We all know the truth: Trump's mouth is full of shit.

Trump's 'official' portrait revealed parody sticker

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medium: Digital Illustration

by WFL

I'm no stranger to creating political portraiture; My watercolor debut at a local gallery featured a gigantic painting of a unicorn's rainbow-encrusted anus titled "Your favorite political candidate".

This one is special, though; I really feel like I've captured the true essense of Trump in this portrait, and wanted to make sure you could share it everywhere. I'm not saying you should deface public property with these stickers, of course; I would never encourage anything illegal.. However, once these stickers are in your hands, I have no control over what you do with them.

Also, don't forget to check out the companion website DJT Says! You'll see all the insane shit Trump says, coming straight from the toilet's mouth (with citations even)!