the many facets of depression & treatment
Documenting Depression: Routine

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filed under "Documenting Depression"
by WFL
When you live with depression, routine can be anything but.
Jess has a harder time than most, due to the struggles she has to deal with on top of her anxiety, BPD & depression. Routine tasks aren't all that suffer, though; even things that are generally enjoyed can end in pain.
Jess loves the bathtub. We always joke about her being part mermaid; She soaks in the bathtub at least once a day, typically in the morning when she wakes up. It helps her relax, relieves some of her physical aches & pains, and more. She frequently, as the above picture shows, works on projects while in the bathtub (such as scrapbooking).
Jess loves watching TV while in the bath; Believe it or not, she got the idea from another friend who does the same thing.
Jess has been struggling a lot as of late with numerous stressors, such as family, friends, and general life tasks that most people take for granted. She enjoys having wine when possible, because it not only tastes good, but can help her relax.
Drinking can be a double-edged sword, however. Jess drank quite a bit, and something happened that hurt her emotionally. Things that a person without depression/BPD would be able to handle routinely can completely destroy someone like Jess, and the effects are increased much more when alcohol is involved.
This photo journalism series documents the depression of someone very close to me. She agreed to let me photograph her at the most vulnerable times in her life; not just to share it with you, but to help her understand herself. See the rest of the articles documenting depression here.
Depression affects about 6.7% of adults in the U.S., according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. It is also among one of the many misunderstood illnesses that affect society.
Depression isn’t something that can just be turned off. You can’t stop hurting. You can’t “buck up”, “focus on the positive”, or anything else that many people will tell you to do when you’re suffering from clinical depression.
If you know someone who is suffering from depression, please, try to understand what they are going through and support them instead of telling them to cheer up. If you suffer from depression, just know that you’re not alone, no matter how much it feels that way. If you feel like there is no way out, or just need some help, check out NAMI’s support page.