Facebook has become an AI-themed variation of Sarte's 'No Exit'

Facebook is an AI-infused hell, and it won't let me leave

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filed under "Web & Internet"

by WFL

So, it finally happened.

I finally had enough of Facebook that I was going to delete everything, and just create an account to use solely for work purposes.

Facebook, it seems, had other ideas.

First, I attempted to create a new account using my work e-mail; I needed to create this first so I could add myself as an admin to a handful of client FB profiles I have to manage.

Facebook instantly didn't like this, and made me wait while they "reviewed" things, eventually determining that my work e-mail was going to be banned from creating an account.

.. Fuck. Ok, well, let's see if we can delete all my profile stuff, shall we?

After some googling, I found that Facebook provides a tool for deleting most of your stuff, but not all.

It's a buggy mess; I had to try multiple times to just delete all my posts, and it took about 4 go-throughs to get it to finally clear them all out (taking many hours each run to do so).

Of course, keep in mind, that's just PROFILE POSTS: Not likes, photos, videos, groups, and more.. The stuff that arguably is more valuable to Facebook as a data-consuming monster.

No, the rest of the stuff can only be deleted in small (25-50) batches at a time, if you're lucky.. And timeline, cover, and profile photos/videos? You have to delete those one. At. A. Time. There is no bulk delete for that.

Unfriending goes the same way. One. At. A. Fucking. Time.

I've been on Facebook for a very long time, so.. Who knows when I'll finally get all that removed.

Oh, and I STILL can't remove some of my profile information, such as links to external social profiles/e-mail addresses (ironically enough): It errors out every time.

The worst part is this: I can't remove what is arguably the most critical data Facebook has on me.. My hidden marketing & targeting data.

My news feed is now purely ads and suggested content based on Facebook's collected metrics on me, and Facebook will no doubt continue to track me based on that information.

You may be asking yourself this: Why go to all this trouble? Well, let me tell you what set me off..

.. Aside from the usual AI-generated garbage that is designed to farm interaction from folks who don't know any better (in order to scam them out of personal details, money, and more via comment replies), Facebook's moderation has gone even further south than when I last talked about it.

Facebook had begun instant-blocking any link I shared from any of my websites, claiming it was "spam".

Keep in mind, these things I shared MAYBE once a week to my friends if I thought any of them might find it interesting.

I just gave up after that.

Facebook does not care about it's users beyond the data it can farm from them, and the ads it can serve..

..And I am not allowed to take that data back, stuck in the room with shitty AI in the afterlife, despite my protests.

I'll say it again: Fuck Facebook.

Fuck Meta.

Fuck it all.

just as a bonus for those of you who read this whole thing: I'm actually in the planning phase for a fun little side-project.. An easiliy-deployed social network platform that is built to run on even basic-ass shared hosting and is open-source.