Slowly getting better in some ways, worse in others

Gambling on Life: Benefits and risks of my methotrexate treatment

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filed under "Gambling on Life"

by WFL

This post, like others that will follow it, is a continuation of my Gambling On Life series.

I've been on Methotrexate for a few months now, and I can finally say this:

I'm seeing some benefits from treatment.

I'm not cured, of course; I'm on 15mg a week of the stuff, and still have some room to grow there. My arthritis pain and swelling are reduced, but not eliminated.

Of course, these small positive changes have come with some rather significant negatives.

As I noted previously, Methotrexate is essentially a medically-induced hangover. While some folks are lucky and get little to no negatives in this regard, I am not so lucky.

What pretty much everybody has to deal with, however, is a big one: Methotrexate is an immunosuppressant.

This means that you're at higher risk for infections.. Of all kinds.

Early on in my Methotrexate treatment I caught a modern, mild variant of COVID.

My GF was asymptomatic. Her friends she caught it from only had mild symptoms.

Me? I felt as if I were at death's door.. And for a couple months after my heart just did not want to work right.

Then, a couple weeks ago, I caught whatever bug was going around, and was all kinds of miserable.

I am extremely cautious now; If Jess (my GF) is exposed to anybody sick, she is not allowed to kiss me, and I sleep on the couch for at least a week to make sure she doesn't share anything with me.

If a bug is going around, I wear a mask when I go to common public places.

I avoid crowds like they bring the plague, because for me.. They kinda do.

I also have to be cautious about vaccinations; I can't take live vaccines because they just aren't plain safe for someone who is immunocompromised.

It sucks, but.. so far, I consider it worth it.

If I can regain enough mobility to do the things I love - like finally recording my blues album - I will be happy.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I hear someone with a wet cough nearby.