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Muslim Doesn't Mean Terrorist: The Headlines Project

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filed under "The Headlines Project"

by WFL

UPDATE: Facebook has deemed this inappropriate, and has rejected my business in promoting it via Facebook ads. So, please share it! If political candidates and major news organizations can promote hate, why can't I promote love?


A number of deplorable acts have been committed in the name of religion. The Crusades. The Salem Witch Trials. Even slavery had been justified through religion.

Does that mean that all people who practice the religions mentioned above are deplorable human beings, who should be feared, hated, or even destroyed?


The same can be said regarding the actions of a few Muslim extremists.

The religion of Islam has a checkered past, just as Christianity does. That does not mean that every man or woman who practices Islam is a terrorist.

What it means is that there are a few who are willing to pervert the ideals of Islam, and the rest of the loving, peaceful Muslim community do not deserve the hate they receive.

If we do allow the branding to continue, then we must also be fair. We must label all religions whom have had acts of hate committed in their name as terrorist faiths, and banish them.

If we did that, however, the world would be a much less populated place.

I tried to keep this post simple, given the importance of the topic. I want the world to understand that hate based on religion is wrong; hate the human, not the faith.

I am also avoiding discussing any political candidate's platform in this post, to avoid drawing any more attention to them. All I ask is that you read about what your candidates are saying, and weigh those values against your own after reading this.

The acts in Paris by the terrorist organization ISIS are deplorable. What is equally deplorable is that Muslims themselves are targeted by ISIS.

So, before you go judging the entire faith, note that all those Syrians fleeing ISIS are in need, too. Muslim does not mean terrorist.

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The Headlines Project is a social experiment where I print (using temporary tattoos) short "headlines" on my bald head with a web address on the back of my skull linking back to these posts. View the other Headlines.