Saying "Fuck Trump" in as many ways as I can
Propaganda, Resistance and finding motivation

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filed under "Politics & Activism"
by WFL
No, I didn't die after the results of the election came out.
In fact, quite the opposite.
The Saturday before the election I ran into a trans friend at the coffee shop; We talked about the election, and how the stress has given me a veritable shit-ton of motivation to create new art and stuff.
We live in a very conservative town in IL, and were anxious to see by how much Kamala lost here (given that we're both outliers in the community, which makes us targets); it was a foregone conclusion that she wouldn't take our county, but with all the Kamala signs we saw it seemed plausible (given the high turnout) that she'd capture a larger than normal share of the votes.
As it turns out, she did; My friend said she'd be impressed if she got 25% of the vote here, and.. Well, damn, maybe we should've taken some action on that one, beacause she nailed it.
Impressive as it was, it wasn't enough, obviously.. And shit has gotten dark real fuckin' fast.
I've already started making plans for the US Political Issues website; right now I've just got a quick content refactor, but the plans are to crank up the resistance to 11 and turn it into a Trump Cabinet Tracker. I'll outline all of Trump's confirmed cabinet members (or at least the most critical ones), and am also considering placing a timer to see how long they last before they piss off Trump and he fires them (because, just like the last time he was in office, he picks only the very best people).
Anyway, speaking of resistance, I've also been energized to create new morale patches. You can see my first one in the header of this post; This is a new technique I've been working on, and have 3 designs ready to go.
I plan on selling them; They're a bit of a pain to make (they take a fair amount of time to produce, and fuck-ups can mean 24-32 hours wasted), but at least the materials are fairly cheap. I'll charge just $10, plus a bit for shipping possibly; I still need to figure that out.
If you're interested in these things, hit me up on BlueSky or via e-mail (both can be found below in the site's footer) to let me know. I've got one for the Stonewall Riots, and another about punching nazis, which is always a good thing.
Once I'm ready for them to start selling I'll publish them on the site with links to order.
Just keep in mind: These are limited runs, and I'm not going to make hundreds of them.
I want to spend my time doing new things in the resistance, rather than hiding out surrounded by my craft supplies :D