Temporary tattoos for permanent change
Words Matter: The Headlines Project

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filed under "The Headlines Project"
by WFL
I'm both pleased to announce that The Headlines Project has returned, and saddened at what has seemed so appropriate as a first headline for this season: Words Matter.
In case you haven't heard, as of writing this, there are only a few days left before the bulk of registered voters in the US hit the polls.
Donald Trump, a candidate so few had considered as even a remote possibility to gain the nomination, has astounded the world with his rhetoric.
Actually, I think rhetoric is too big a word, too positive, for the vitriol that has come spewing forth from his pursed lips.
The NYTimes has crafted an entire page containing people he has insulted.
The Telegraph has a rather disgusting look at his opinion of women.
Those are the two biggest collections available right now; I'd rather give you 2 articles to glance at, as opposed to.. well, let's just say I'd worry that this post would get flagged as a link farm due to link density.
The excuse of "locker-room talk" or "he's just a normal guy" don't fly with me. Words matter.
I was raised to be much more respectful, but even the worst people I've known in the world would rarely spew the tasteless drivel that Trump has.
This is a man that people want to elect to lead us on foreign policy, where tact is paramount.
Donald Trump clearly has none.
I have no problems with conservative politics; I can understand it. Less federal spending. Greater personal responsibility. That's fine and dandy. I don't agree with it, but I won't begrudge anybody for holding those ideals.
I do begrudge anybody who can brush off such obtuse linguistic failures as nothing for the next leader of the free world.. And I don't even have to get into the numerous other reasons not to vote for him. Words matter.
I've crafted the headlines project using words designed to illicit a reaction. I try to be clever when I can, and concise when I can't. I utilize these words to encourage debate, as well as educate. Donald Trump doesn't, based on my personal observation. His less literal crafting of headlines is, to put it simply, an affront to responsibility, personal growth, and more.
Please, get out and vote.
Words Matter. If you'd like to join me in The Headlines Project's Words Matter piece, either download & print the temporary tattoo (my logo is optional), or share this post with your friends.
The Headlines Project is a social experiment where I print (using temporary tattoos) short "headlines" on my bald head with a web address on the back of my skull linking back to these posts. View the other Headlines.